Ultimate Guide for Assessment API Integration

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Ultimate Guide for Assessment API IntegrationUltimate Guide for Assessment API Integration

As hiring needs for organizations become more complex, assessing candidates in a holistic and comprehensive manner is more critical than ever. Fortunately, multiple assessment software have surfaced in the recent past, enabling organizations to carry out assessments in the most effective and efficient manner. Leveraging technology, gamification and other advances, such tools are able to help organizations ensure that a candidate is a perfect fit for the role, skills, company culture and all other parameters. 

However, to make the best use of assessment software, it is important to integrate data and information from them across other platforms being used for operational efficiency and faster turnaround in recruitment and onboarding. Here, assessment API integration plays a major role. 

When organizations integrate data from the assessment API with other applications, including ATS, HRIS, interview scheduling, etc., they are able to optimize their recruitment workflow with a high degree of automation. 

In this article, we will discuss the different aspects of assessment API, its integration use cases, key data models and the different ways in which you can accomplish seamless integration. 

Assessment API Data Models

To ensure that you understand the different assessment APIs well, it is important to comprehend the data models or fields that are commonly used. One of the major reasons that the knowledge of data models is imperative is to facilitate data transformation and normalization during data sync. Here are the common data models for assessment APIs:

Candidate name

This data model focuses on the name of the candidate to whom a particular assessment will be administered and all records pertaining to the candidate will be stored. It can also be associated with a unique candidate ID to prevent any confusion in case of duplication of names. 

Candidate profile

The next data model captures the profile of the candidate. From an assessment software perspective, the focus is on a candidate’s professional profile, prior work experience, qualifications, certifications, competencies, etc. Such details help in determining the right assessments for each candidate based on their experience and the role for which they are being assessed.  

Candidate contact information

This data field keeps the details or contact information for all candidates, including phone number, email address, etc. The contact information ensures that the candidate’s can be easily informed about their assessment schedule, any changes in the schedule, results, status, etc. it facilitates smooth communication between the assessment software and the candidate. 

Candidate profile picture

Most assessment software capture candidate pictures to ensure authenticity during assessments or training. Candidate profile pictures in assessment software databases help the latter to prevent proxy attendance during interviews or assessments and address any potential foul play. 

Job type

The next data model captures the nature of employment or the type of job. Today, in addition to full-time employees, organizations are increasingly hiring consultants, gig workers and even contractual employees. The assessment requirements for each one of them can be varied. Thus, the assessment software has a data model to capture the job type to ensure appropriate assessments. 

Job information

Assessment API captures job information or job details as an important data model. Put simply, this model has all details about the role being assessed for, the requirements, skills, competencies, and other aspects which need to be assessed. As a data model or field, job information contains all aspects of the job that need to be matched when candidates are assessed. 

Job department and managers

Next in line is the data model which focuses on the job department and managers. This particular field captures the department for which the candidate has applied for and the hiring managers. The details of hiring managers are important because the results of the assessment tests have to be sent to them. 

Assessment stages

Most assessment software have a few stages that a candidate undergoes. It can start from a normal personality test and go on to psychometric evaluations, coding tests, to personal interviews. As a data model, assessment stages help hiring managers understand where the candidates stand in the hiring pipeline and how close or far they are from closing a particular role at hand. 

Assessment list

The next data model captures all the types of assessments that are available as a part of the assessment software. This field has a repository of different assessments that can be administered. 


Once the assessment is administered, an important data model is the scorecard. This captures how the candidate performed for a particular assessment. The scorecard format or type can be different and unique for each assessment type. In some, it can be an absolute and objective score, while some others might give a more subjective outcome, determining the suitability of the candidate for the role. 

Assessment result

The assessment result as a data model captures the final verdict for the candidate. More often than not, hiring managers can update the result as selected, rejected or any other based on the scorecard and other evaluations undertaken, post which the data can be integrated into the next workflow software. 

Assessment attachment

This data field or data model captures any attachments that come along with a particular assessment test. Some tests might require candidates to submit their assessments as an attachment or external document. This field contains all such attachments which can be consulted during final hiring decisions. 

Assessment status

The assessment status data model captures the status of the assessment test for a particular candidate. It captures if the test has been provided to the candidate, whether or not they have completed the same, etc. 

Top Assessment Applications

Now that there is a clear understanding of the different assessment software data models, let’s quickly look at some of the top assessment applications available in the market today, which can be integrated with different software like ATS, HRIS, LMS, etc. 

Name of the Assessment API Capabilities/ Features Pricing
Perspect AI Game based assessment, personality assessment, AI video interview, english language assessment Demo available, pricing available on request
The Predictive Index Behavioral Assessment, Cognitive Assessment, Job Assessment Pricing based on eligible employee count, available on request
Vervoe Customizable skills, Dynamic Skills testing, AI-powered hiring automation, anti-cheating, personalized grading Free trial available with paid options starting at $228/year
HireSelect Aptitude tests, personality tests, basic skills tests, video interviews Free trial available with paid option details available on request
Codility Online coding tests, technical interviews, anti-plagiarism toolkit, enterprise-level administration Demo available, pricing available on request
eSkill Skills testing, video response questions, cognitive aptitude, behavioral assessments Demo available, pricing available on request
Adaface Aptitude test, psychometric tests, personality tests, coding tests, automated proctoring, automated evaluation Pricing starts at $180/ year
Harver Traditional behavior, gamified behavioral, cognitive, job knowledge and skills, interviews  Demo available, pricing available on request

Assessment API Integration: Top Use Cases

Assessment software is a part of the larger ecosystem of software that companies today use to manage their people's operations. Invariably, there are several other tools and software in the market today, which when integrated with assessment APIs can lead to operational efficiency and smooth HR and related processes. There are several categories of tools out there which either feed data into assessment APIs (write APIs) or get access to data from assessment APIs (read APIs). Integration ensures that such data syncs are automated and do not require any manual interview, which can be prone to errors, time consuming and operationally taxing. Here are some of the top use cases for assessment API integration across different software. 

Assessment API integration for ATS tools

Assessment API integration is very critical for ATS or applicant tracking systems. ATS tools and platforms have all the required information about candidates, including their name, profile, pictures, contact information, etc. Assessment API integration with ATS tools ensures that the assessment read API can get access to all these details automatically without any manual intervention. At the same time, integration also facilitates real-time information updation in assessment tools, which can set up assessments for new applicants almost immediately. This leads to faster turnaround. Furthermore, the assessment write APIs can feed information back to the ATS tools with the assessment results and scorecards to help update the candidate’s status in the recruitment flow. 

Examples: Greenhouse Software, Workable, BambooHR, Lever, Zoho

Assessment API integration for candidate screening tools

Candidate screening tools help organizations determine whether or not a candidate is ideal or right for the role in question. Integration with assessment software ensures that data about a candidate’s performance in an assessment test is automatically synced for screening managers to assess the skills, competencies and abilities of the candidate and its relevance to the open position. Furthermore, assessment API integration with candidate screening tools ensures that the latter have real time access to candidate assessment results for immediate hiring decision making, based on evidence backed data for smart hiring. 


Assessment API integration for HRIS tools

Assessment API integration with HRIS tools is a no brainer. Once a candidate clears the assessments and is offered a job at an organization, it is essential to capture the results from the assessments in the HRIS platform. Here, the assessment write APIs play an important role. They help HR teams get access to all the relevant information about an employee based on different personality, psychometric, behavioral, cognitive tests to help them capture employee records which are robust and comprehensive. Automated integration of data from assessment tools to HRIS platforms ensures that no human error or bias crawls in when assessment data is being entered into HRIS portals. Furthermore, since many parts of an assessment test can be sensitive, such integration ensures that data exchange is confidential and on a need to know basis only. 

Examples: BambooHR, Namely, SAP SuccessFactors, Gusto

Assessment API integration for interview scheduling tools

Most companies today leverage interview scheduling tools to automate their entire interview processes, including blocking calendars, managing schedules, etc. For interview scheduling tools, integration with assessment APIs is important to ensure that all interviews with candidates can be scheduled effectively, keeping in my mind both interviewer and interviewee schedules. Interview scheduling tools can leverage assessment read APIs to understand the assessment availability and dates to schedule the interview. Furthermore, once the interview is scheduled, assessment write APIs can help provide updates on whether or not the candidate attended the interview, status, next steps to help interview scheduling tools effectively conduct interactions with candidates as needed. 

Examples: Calendly, Sense, GliderAI, YouCanBookMe, Paradox

Assessment API integration for LMS tools 

While most assessment software have use cases in the pre-employment stages, their utility can also transcend into post employment phases as well. The LMS tools can easily leverage assessment read APIs to understand the type of assessment tests available which can be used for internal training purposes. Furthermore, candidate performance in pre-employment assessment tests can be used as a baseline to define the types of training required and areas for upskilling. Overall, this integration can help identify the learning needs for the organization and clarify the assessments available for further investigation. At the same time, once the assessments are administered, the assessment write API can automatically sync the relevant data and results for post employment assessment on whether or not employees participated in the assessments, results, gaps, etc. to the LMS tools for better decision making on employee training and development. 

Example: TalentLMS, 360Learning, Docebo, Google Classroom 

Assessment API integration for talent management tools

Talent management and workforce planning tools are integral when it comes to succession planning for any organization. Assessments conducted, both pre and post employment can greatly help in determining the talent needs for any organization. Talent management tools can leverage assessment read APIs to understand how their existing or potential talent is performing along areas critical to the organization. Any gaps in the talent or consistent poor performance in a particular area of assessment can then be identified to adopt corrective measures. Assessment API integration can help talent management tools effectively understand the talent profile in their organization, which can further help in better succession planning and talent analytics. 

Examples: ClearCompany, Deel, ActivTrak

Unified Assessment API Integration: All You Need to Know

There are several ways companies can achieve assessment API integration to suit their use cases. Right from building integrations in-house for each assessment tool to practices like workflow automation tools, there are several ways to integrate. However, as the number of customers and integration needs increase exponentially, going for a unified assessment API for integration is the best move. Here are a few instances when choosing a unified API for assessment software integration makes sense. Use unified assessment API when you:

  • Wish to integrate with multiple assessment software based on your customer needs and developing point to point integration with each one is not viable
  • Have a large customer base and their integration requests for new assessment software is increasing
  • Need to deliver integrations in a short span of time and you lack dedicated engineering bandwidth in-house
  • Want to achieve assessment API integration at a lower cost with faster time to market
  • Don’t want to take the burden of ongoing maintenance and management of each integration
  • Want to skip the effort that goes into reading through API documentation for each integration
  • Want to normalize data across assessment platforms and ensure that this transformation process is 10X faster than you internal processes
  • Want to ensure complete security, especially due to the nature of sensitive information in question
  • Seek real-time sync and exchange of data for immediate action or the flexibility to customize syncs as per your needs
  • Want to skip the process of learning about different authentication keys, rate limits, etc. for different APIs

Now that you know a unified assessment API is the best and the most effective for you to build integrations with assessment software, go through the following questions to choose the best unified assessment API for your organization. 

What are the data models?

The ideal unified API normalizes and syncs data into a unified data model and facilitates data transformation 10x faster. While most fields are common and a unified model works, choose a unified assessment API which also gives you the flexibility to add some custom data models which may not align with the standard data models available. 

What are the rate limits?

Each unified API will offer rate limits, which is the number of API requests or data sync requests you can make in a given period of time. Having an optimum rate limit is extremely important. Having a very high rate limit, in which many requests can be made can lead to potential DDoS attacks and other vulnerabilities. Whereas, having a very low rate limit, where only a handful API requests can be made, might lead to inefficiencies and data inaccuracies. Therefore, gauge the rate limits offered to check if they align with your needs or if they can be customized for you. 

How secure is the integration process?

Next, any unified assessment API you choose should be high on security. On the one hand, check for compliance with all certifications and global standards. On the other hand, look out for comprehensive data encryption, which involves encrypting data at rest and in transit. When looking at security, do check the level of authentication and authorization available.  

What kind of post integration support is available?

Building integrations is followed by the operationally and technically draining tasks of managing integrations. Integration maintenance and management can take anywhere between 5-10 hours of your engineering bandwidth. Therefore, choose a unified assessment API provider which provides you with maintenance support. You should be able to manage the health of all your integrations with a robust track of all API calls, requests, etc. 

What is the sync frequency?

As data sync is the most important part of assessment API integration, check the sync frequency offered by the unified API. While real-time sync, powered by a webhook architecture which ensures real-time data transfer, without any polling infrastructure is ideal. It is equally important to have something which can be customized and allows you to set the sync frequency as per your needs. 

How easy is it to scale?

The key purpose of a unified assessment API is to scale as fast as possible and ensure all customer assessment tools are integrated with. Therefore, you must check the breadth of assessment API integrations being offered. At the same time, explore how open and forthcoming the unified API provider is to custom integrations for you if needed. This also needs to be weighted against the time taken for each new integration and any cost associated with the same. 

Can it take a high data load?

Finally, as you add more assessment API integrations and the number of customers using the same increase, the data load for sync will experience an exponential rise. Thus, your unified assessment API must facilitate guaranteed scalability with quality sync, irrespective of the data load. Without the same, there are chances of data corruption. 

Knit: Unified Assessment API

As a leading unified assessment API, Knit has the right tick mark for all the considerations mentioned above and much more. Here’s why you should consider Knit for your assessment API integration needs:

  • Unified data model which normalizes data with option to customize some fields
  • Double encryption of data with encryption for PII and user credentials
  • Compliance with  SOC2, GDPR, ISO27001
  • No storage of a copy of any data that passes through Knit
  • Webhook architecture for real time data sync irrespective of data load
  • Option to customize sync frequency whenever needed
  • Availability of OAuth, API key or a username-password based authentication
  • Bi-directional data sync to read and write from any assessment software
  • Detailed Logs, Issues, Integrated Accounts and Syncs page for integration management

Book a demo today to learn about the other ways in which Knit can be your ideal unified assessment API partner, how it works and anything else you need to know!

Wrapping up: TL:DR

Integrating with assessment APIs can help different companies and platforms unlock value to better streamline their operations. Assessment API integration can facilitate bi-directional sync of data between assessment tools and other applications. While there are several ways to achieve such integration, a unified API is one of the top contenders as it facilitates data normalization, high levels of security, guaranteed scalability, seamless maintenance and management and real time data syncs.