How to get employee data from BambooHR API

If you are looking to connect with multiple apps, try Knit universal API to integrate with 20+ HRIS apps with a single API key. Sign up for free trial by clicking here. If you are looking to do connect with BambooHR API yourself, keep reading

BambooHR is a popular cloud-based human resource management software that helps businesses manage their HR operations, including employee data management, onboarding, performance tracking, and more. In addition to its user-friendly interface, BambooHR also provides an API that allows developers to programmatically access and update employee data.

Employee data is a critical component of HR operations, providing valuable insights into employee performance, engagement, and overall organizational health. 

With the increasing emphasis on data-driven decision making, businesses are looking for ways to harness the power of employee data to drive growth and productivity.

In this article, we will provide a comprehensive guide to using the BambooHR API to retrieve and manage employee data in more than one way.

BambooHR API Rate Limit and Documentation Reference

When working with the BambooHR API, it's essential to understand the rate limits and have access to comprehensive documentation to ensure smooth integration and usage. While specific details on the API rate limit for BambooHR were not explicitly found, we encourage you to refer to the official documentation for the most accurate and up-to-date information.

BambooHR API Documentation

For detailed guidance and reference, you can access the BambooHR API documentation through the following URLs:

These resources provide extensive information on how to use the BambooHR API, including endpoints, request formats, and examples. Whether you are looking to integrate employee data, manage hours, or perform other HR-related tasks, the documentation will be invaluable.

For any specific queries or further assistance, it is always a good idea to reach out to BambooHR support or consult the community forums.

Overview of BambooHR API endpoints for employee data

BambooHR uses a RESTful API, which is a web-based architectural style and approach to communications that is often used in web services development. The BambooHR API provides various endpoints for employee data, including:

  • Employee information: this includes data such as the employee's name, email address, job title, department, and other personal information.
  • Job information: This includes data such as the employee's job title, job description, start date, and other job-related information.
  • Time off: This includes data such as the employee's vacation, sick days, and other time off.
  • Company directory: This includes data on all employees in the company, including their contact information and job titles.
  • Reports: This allows you to generate reports on employee data, such as a report on employee turnover or employee performance.

Authorization in BambooHR API

When working with the BambooHR API, understanding the authorization mechanism is crucial for ensuring secure and efficient access to the data and functionalities provided by the API. This step-by-step guide will walk you through the process of authorizing your application to interact with the BambooHR API.

Step-by-Step Guide to Authorization in BambooHR API
  1. API Key Generation:
    • The first step in the authorization process is generating an API key. This key acts as a unique identifier that allows your application to authenticate with the BambooHR API.
    • To generate an API key, log in to your BambooHR account and navigate to the API settings. Here, you can create a new API key specifically for your application.
  2. Include API Key in Requests:
    • Once you have your API key, you need to include it in the header of every API request you make. The API key should be included as a Basic Authentication header.
    • The format for the header is as follows:Authorization: Basic {base64encoded_api_key}
    • Note that the API key must be base64 encoded before being included in the header.
  3. Base64 Encoding:
    • To encode your API key in base64, you can use various online tools or programming libraries. For example, in Python, you can use the base64 library:
      import base64

      api_key = 'your_api_key_here'

      encoded_key = base64.b64encode(api_key.encode('utf-8')).decode('utf-8')
    • This encoded key is then used in the Authorization header of your API requests.
  4. Making Authorized Requests:
    • With your API key properly encoded and included in the header, you can now make authorized requests to the BambooHR API.
    • Here is an example of how to structure an authorized GET request using Python's requests library:
      import requests

      url = ''

      headers = {

         'Authorization': f'Basic {encoded_key}',

         'Accept': 'application/json'


      response = requests.get(url, headers=headers)

      if response.status_code == 200:

         print('Request was successful')



         print('Failed to retrieve data')


  5. Handling Errors and Permissions:
    • Ensure that your API key has the necessary permissions to access the endpoints you are targeting. If you encounter authorization errors, double-check the permissions associated with your API key.
    • Common HTTP status codes to watch for include:
      • 401 Unauthorized: Indicates that the API key is missing or incorrect.
      • 403 Forbidden: Indicates that the API key does not have permission to access the requested resource.

By following these steps, you can securely authorize your application to interact with the BambooHR API, ensuring that your data transactions are both secure and efficient.

Setting Up BambooHR Account

To get started with using the BambooHR API, you'll first need to set up a BambooHR account and enable API access. Here's how:

Sign up for a BambooHR account

To sign up for a BambooHR account, go to the BambooHR website and click on the "Try It Free" button. 

Follow the step-by-step instructions to set up your account. You'll need to provide some basic information, such as your company name, email address, and password. You'll also need to select a pricing plan based on the number of employees in your organization and the features you need.

However, in this demo, we are “trying it for free” so we do not have to select the pricing plan. Once you have filled in the information click on “Get Free Trial”.

When you see this screen, click on “We’re Ready!” button.

From here, follow the subsequent instructions (provide a strong password, accept terms and conditions) to finish your sign up process using the email and password you supplied earlier.

When you see the following screen, click next.

Check all of these or at least what you need and click“Done” button.

If you have followed the necessary steps of signing up for your BambooHR account, you should land here:

How to create a BambooHR API key

Once you have a BambooHR account, you can create an API key to access the data associated with your BambooHR API. To create the API key, log in to your BambooHR account and navigate to the "API Keys" page in the "Account" section.

Click on the "Add a New Key" button.

You will need to provide a name for your API key, which will help you identify it later and click “Generate Key”.

A key will be displayed. You can copy it and save it somewhere safe. After successfully saving your key, click “Done”.

After successfully saving your API key, your API key would be listed under My API Keys:

In the next section, we will discuss multiple use cases for the the BambooHR API.

Get employee data using BambooHR API

BambooHR allows you to access and update employee data for individual employees as well as in bulk. 

Retrieve All Employees Information

Copy to clipboard
import requests
subdomain = 'syncflowsolutions'
# Replace {subdomain} with your BambooHR credentials
url = f"{subdomain}/v1/employees/directory"
headers = {
    "Accept": "application/json",
    "Authorization": "Basic ZTgyOGU3YzUyNGRlNmNkMmMxZTc0YWUxNDY1YmI0NDQ5NmY0YjVhNTpKRDg2UXA4ZS4qTHNKUXA="
response = requests.get(url, headers=headers)
if response.status_code == 200:
    employee_data = response.json()
    # Do something with the employee data
    print('Error retrieving employee data')

The code snippet above will retrieve records for all employees from the feature called directory.

Pitfall to avoid

One common pitfall to avoid here involves the use of the Company Directory feature. While this feature can be managed and disabled by individual companies in their account settings, it can lead to issues when calling the corresponding endpoint. This is because the feature may be disabled, or its behavior may vary across different companies.

Instead, the recommended approach is to use the "request a custom report" API to retrieve bulk employee data, which is a more reliable and consistent method.

Retrieve information for one employee

To retrieve information about a specific employee, you can make a GET request to this endpoint:

Copy to clipboard{companyDomain}/v1/employees/

 where {id} is the ID of the employee you want to retrieve and {companyDomain} is the company subdomain.

This endpoint allows you to retrieve employee data by specifying a set of fields. It is ideal for retrieving basic employee information, including current values for fields that are part of a historical table such as job title or compensation information.

Extract data from BambooHR API using Python

Copy to clipboard
 import requests
# Set the API URL and headers
subdomain = 'syncflowsolutions'
# Replace {subdomain} with your BambooHR credentials
id = 0
url = f"{subdomain}/v1/employees/{id}/"
headers = {
    "Accept": "application/json",
    "Authorization": "Basic ZTgyOGU3YzUyNGRlNmNkMmMxZTc0YWUxNDY1YmI0NDQ5NmY0YjVhNTpKRDg2UXA4ZS4qTHNKUXA="
# Specify the fields to retrieve and only retrieve current data
params = {
    "fields": "firstName,lastName",
    "onlyCurrent": "true"
# Send the GET request and print the response
response = requests.get(url, headers=headers, params=params)
if response.status_code == 200:
    employee_data = response.json()
    print("Error retrieving employee data")

This retrieves the data for the employee with ID 0. Make sure to replace {subdomain} with your actual BambooHR credentials.

How to create a new employee with BambooHR API

To create a new employee, you can make a POST request:

Copy to clipboard{companyDomain}/v1/employees/

The endpoint allows for the addition of a new employee. It is mandatory to provide at least the first and last names of the new employee. Upon successful creation, the ID of the newly created employee can be found in the response's Location header.

Create a new employee with BambooHR API using Python

Copy to clipboard
import requests
subdomain = 'syncflowsolutions'        	
# Replace {subdomain} with your BambooHR credentials
url = f"{subdomain}/v1/employees/"
payload = {
    "firstName": "Tiberius",
    "lastName": "Mairura"
headers = {               	
    "content-type": "application/json",
    "authorization": "Basic ZTgyOGU3YzUyNGRlNmNkMmMxZTc0YWUxNDY1YmI0NDQ5NmY0YjVhNTpKRDg2UXA4ZS4qTHNKUXA="
    response =, json=payload, headers=headers)
except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as error:
    print(f"HTTP error occurred: {error}")
except Exception as error:
    print(f"An error occurred: {error}")

This creates a new employee with the specified data. Make sure to replace `{subdomain}` with your actual BambooHR credentials.

Update employee data from BambooHR API using Python

To update an existing employee's data, you can make a PUT request to the `/employees/{id}` endpoint with a JSON payload containing the updated employee data.

Here's an example using Python requests library:

Copy to clipboard
import requests
id = 134
url = f"{id}/"
headers = {
    "Content-Type": "application/json",
    "Authorization": "Basic ZTgyOGU3YzUyNGRlNmNkMmMxZTc0YWUxNDY1YmI0NDQ5NmY0YjVhNTpKRDg2UXA4ZS4qTHNKUXA="
payload = {
    "firstName": "Tiberius .O",
    "lastName": "Mairura"
response =, json=payload, headers=headers)
if response.status_code == 200:
    print('Employee updated successfully!')
    print(f"Error: {response.status_code} - {response.text}")

This updates the data for the employee with ID 134 with the specified data. Make sure to replace {subdomain} with your actual BambooHR credentials.

How to handle pagination

Pagination for BambooHR API is case-specific. 

  • BambooHR does not support pagination in the employee directory API, so when retrieving employee data, the BambooHR API will return all the results in one go. The default number of records per response is 50, but you can specify a different number of records using the limit query parameter.
  • However, for some other APIs in BambooHR, such as the time-off requests and time-off balances APIs, pagination is supported. To handle pagination, you can use the page and per_page query parameters. The page parameter specifies which page of results to return, and the per_page parameter specifies the number of results per page.

To navigate to the next page of results, you can use the next URL provided in the Link header of the response.

Get started with BambooHR API

In conclusion, the BambooHR API is a valuable tool for any organization looking to streamline their HR and employee data management processes. By leveraging the power of the API, organizations can improve their operations, reduce manual data entry, and gain deeper insights into their workforce.

If you need to quickly get access to BambooHR data, Knit unified API can make it easier for you. Knit is a unified API that connects 40+ HR and ATS APIs via a single, unified API. All you need to do is to integrate once with Knit, and all the authentication, authorization and integration maintenance will be done by Knit.

Talk to our sales team to learn more or get you free API key today

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