Fully customize your auth screen with minimal effort

Offer your end-users a seamless integration authorization process by fully harnessing Knit’s customization and drop-in front end components.

Powering integrations for global SaaS organizations like you

Easy authentication with drop-in UI component

Easy authentication with drop-in UI component

Your users can authenticate and authorize integrations directly from your app with Knit’s easy drop-in frontend and embedded integrations.

Our Magic Link feature allows your users to authorize permissions directly from the browser to get started immediately. Knit’s UI also contains answers to the most common auth FAQs.

Knit supports all types of authorization capabilities

Whether it is OAuth, API key or a username-password based authentication, Knit supports it all.

Plus, we value safe access over everything. So, all the credentials are doubly encrypted – at rest as well as in transit. All PII is protected with an additional layer of application security.

Knit supports all types of authorization capabilities

Personalize every component of your auth screen

Personalize every component of your auth screen

Our Personalization feature allows you to fully customize the front-end auth component including text, T&Cs, color, font and logo on the intro screen.

You can also customize the emails (signature, text and salutations) sent to admin in the non-admin integration flow as well as filter the apps/categories you want your users to see on the auth screen.

Build your HR, ATS, Accounting, CRM, Chat integration stacks with Knit in LESS than half your usual time

Connect with multiple ATS, HRIS, Accounting, CRM and Chat tools using only one API

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What Others Say About Knit

John Carter - Softech X Webflow Template

“A truly great analytics app”

Quis a felis elementum sed ornare eu massa eu enim quam vulputate risus dolor euismod risus pretium duis sed ac vestibulum nulla placerat plate.

John Carter
Growth Hacker at Facebook
Andy Smith - Softech X Webflow Template

“A game changer for us”

Quis a felis elementum sed ornare eu massa eu enim quam vulputate risus dolor euismod risus pretium duis sed ac vestibulum nulla placerat plate.

Andy Smith
Marketer at Google
Sophie Moore - Softech X Webflow Template

“An amazing analytics tool”

Quis a felis elementum sed ornare eu massa eu enim quam vulputate risus dolor euismod risus pretium duis sed ac vestibulum nulla placerat plate.

Sophie Moore
Marketer at LinkedIn
John Carter - Softech X Webflow Template

“A truly great analytics app”

Quis a felis elementum sed ornare eu massa eu enim quam vulputate risus dolor euismod risus pretium duis sed ac vestibulum nulla placerat plate.

John Carter
Growth Hacker at Facebook
Andy Smith - Softech X Webflow Template

“A game changer for us”

Quis a felis elementum sed ornare eu massa eu enim quam vulputate risus dolor euismod risus pretium duis sed ac vestibulum nulla placerat plate.

Andy Smith
Marketer at Google
Sophie Moore - Softech X Webflow Template

“An amazing analytics tool”

Quis a felis elementum sed ornare eu massa eu enim quam vulputate risus dolor euismod risus pretium duis sed ac vestibulum nulla placerat plate.

Sophie Moore
Marketer at LinkedIn
John Carter - Softech X Webflow Template

“A truly great analytics app”

Quis a felis elementum sed ornare eu massa eu enim quam vulputate risus dolor euismod risus pretium duis sed ac vestibulum nulla placerat plate.

John Carter
Growth Hacker at Facebook
Andy Smith - Softech X Webflow Template

“A game changer for us”

Quis a felis elementum sed ornare eu massa eu enim quam vulputate risus dolor euismod risus pretium duis sed ac vestibulum nulla placerat plate.

Andy Smith
Marketer at Google
Sophie Moore - Softech X Webflow Template

“An amazing analytics tool”

Quis a felis elementum sed ornare eu massa eu enim quam vulputate risus dolor euismod risus pretium duis sed ac vestibulum nulla placerat plate.

Sophie Moore
Marketer at LinkedIn

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