Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea dolor sit amet consectur.
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Explore our vast catalog of HRIS, ATS, CRM, Accounting and Chat integrations and start syncing data with the tool of your choice today
Browse integrationsId adipiscing nec aliquet montes ultricies est duis eget amet volutpat aliquet ipsum erat etin elementum morbi dignissim volutpat.
Lectus ultrices ipsum aliquam risus in a ullamcorper dui consequat cras ac mauris id odio ac ipsum odio pulvinar tincidunt fermentum ida.
We proactively catch all and any integration issues to fix them for users or let users know the RCA with resolution so the CX teams can fix these issues without having to involve engineers
Let customers authorize integrations directly in your app via Knit’s embedded auth UI component with completely customizable styling
One scope doesn’t work for all! We let you fully customize scopes to permit & restrict data access the way you or your users want.
With an event-driven webhook architecture, Knit notifies you of any events of interest. No polling required for data syncs. Also, access any data using passthrough requests and custom fields
Knit normalizes and syncs data models of all APPs within a category giving your engineers a single common data model to understand and build upon.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing eli mattis sit phasellus mollis sit aliquam sit nullam neque ultrices.
Launch and scale native integrations faster by adding hundreds of third party integrations in one go with the Knit Unified API
Duis sodales etiam aliquam augue eget maecenas vitae massa consequat duis nisl cravida lorem aliquet ultrices cursus nulla enim.